You have a Protection From Abuse Order (PFA) against you. The Order includes a requirement that you have no contact with your ex. Your Ex and you have not seen each other in a long time. You find yourself considering that distance has made the heart fonder and just maybe she will want to get back together again. Unsure, you leave a voice mail message on your ex’s phone to call you back if they want to talk. Now, you are wondering if leaving that voice mail was a bad idea. You may be thinking what happens if I violate my PFA Order?
The answer to the question (what happens if I violate my PFA Order) is that you committed a crime for which you will be arrested and prosecuted for. A PFA Defendant (the alleged abuser) must adhere to all of the conditions in the PFA Order. These conditions basically prevent you from having any contact with the Plaintiff, either direct or indirect. This means no phone calls, voicemail, texts, email, Facebook posts, or having third parties such as mutual friends or family reach out to the pPlaintiff on your behalf. If the Defendant tries to contact the Plaintiff, the Defendant has violated the PFA Order. The PFA Defendant will be charged with Violating a Protective Order or VPO, which is considered a crime of domestic violence. Being accused of Violation of a Protective Order, carries the risk of a conviction with serious fines and possible jail time. If the Defendant has a history of Domestic Violence, then the VPO can be charged as a felony.
How attorney Nielsen can help?
Our committed legal team is determined to take immediate action to seek a positive case outcome. If you or someone you know is facing a Protection From Abuse case or a criminal charge of Violating a Protective Order, I encourage you to contact The Nielsen Group for an experienced Maine criminal defense attorney. We will take the time to answer your questions and to put your mind at ease as we work with you to determine a legal defense strategy.
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If you would like to call us now at (207) 571-8555, we can begin to develop your case strategy.
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