This question (Will a criminal conviction impact my professional license?) is answered by considering two parts. First what is your professional license? Second, what is the type of criminal conviction? Your professional license could indeed be affected by a criminal conviction.
For instance, if your professional license involves access to confidential client information or clients’ money, a criminal conviction can be crippling. Another example would be a conviction from a theft charge, which would certainly affect licensing for professions involving high levels of trust. Also consider as an example a Maine OUI conviction if you held a CDL or a pilot’s license. A conviction for a Maine OUI could also effect a doctor’s medical license as well as a dentist’s license.
In general, if you hold a professional license its worth the time it takes to learn if a conviction would have an impact on it because you do not want a bad surprise in the future from a conviction. For specific information whether a criminal charge might impact your professional license, Please feel free to give me a call. I can help answer questions about your specific situation.
Criminal convictions which will cause an impact to your professional license.
Some professional licensing organizations have stricter regulations than others regarding keeping a professional license with a criminal conviction. Obviously, a felony conviction will have a greater impact. If you are convicted of a felony crime, you may lose your professional license. Misdemeanors may have some impact which ultimately can cause you to lose your professional license depending upon your career or professional license. Below is a small sampling of professions to help provide guidance. This list is not exhaustive. You can find a complete list of professional licensing laws under the State of Maine Department of Professional and Financial Regulation.
- Any felony conviction
- A conviction of any misdemeanor crime related to dishonesty or fraud
- A conviction of any misdemeanor crime related to drugs and alcohol.
- A felony conviction
- Any felony conviction
- conviction of a theft
- Any misdemeanor conviction related to the practice of pharmacy
- Any felony conviction
- conviction of a sexual violations
- conviction of a misdemeanor contemplating moral turpitude
- Conviction of a misdemeanor committed during the practice of medicine.
In closing it is always best to check in with the professional agency or even myself. We can give you the latest information and help determine what the affect will be upon your professional license.
If you enjoyed this answer to the question, Will a criminal conviction impact my professional license? You may want to also read:
- First Maine OUI Offense
- A Maine OUI Offense due to drugs
- What you need to know about Maine CDL OUI Charges
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