Are you planning a hunting trip to Maine? Or perhaps while visiting Maine, you just want to carry your gun for peace of mind. Often those visiting the great state of Maine wonder can I bring my gun to Maine from out of State?
The short answer to the question “can I bring my gun to Maine from out of State?” is as long as you are not a person whose Second Amendment rights have been revoked or a person who is prohibited from possessing firearms, you are allowed to bring your gun to Maine. Once you bring your gun to Maine, you must adhere to Maine’s gun laws.
Maine’s Gun Laws:You are Prohibited from Carrying a Firearm if…
Under a number of circumstances, you can become a person whose right to possess firearms are either temporarily or permanently revoked. Some of these circumstances include the following:
- You are a convicted felon (convicted of a felony level criminal charge)
- You are convicted of a domestic violence-related crime, such as Domestic Violence Assault
- You are on bail, and your bail requirements include that you do not possess dangerous weapons, including all firearms
- You have a protective order or restraining order against you, such as a temporary or permanent Protection From Abuse Order (or an out of State equivalent), where one of your requirements includes no possession of firearms
If your right to possess firearms has been taken away, then you are not allowed to possess any firearms legally. There are absolutely no exemptions to this law. If you own or possess firearms in violation of your status as a person prohibited from possessing firearms, then this is a federal criminal violation. Federal criminal violations will land you in a lot of trouble.
What does Open Carry Mean?
As per Maine’s State Constitution, you are permitted to carry a firearm, as long as that gun is in the open. This means that everyone can see that you are carrying a gun. Your gun can be in a holster, but it must be carried on the outside of your clothes.
If you cover up the gun with your clothes, or carry the gun concealed in any way without a separate carry and conceal permit, then you will be facing criminal charge of Carrying a Concealed Weapon. If convicted, you could face fines as well as possible jail time. The only circumstance in which you could be permitted to carry a concealed weapon is with a proper permit. While the State of Maine has circulated a proposal to relax the concealed carry permit requirements, the current law against carrying a concealed weapon applies.
Some Places You Cannot Bring Your Gun
Even though Maine is an “open carry” State, please be aware there are restrictions in Maine as to where you are allowed to bring your gun. For example, Maine does not permit you to bring your gun into a bar, into a court of law, or any State government building.
Some law enforcement agencies in Maine prefer that you do not carry firearms, and they can come down harshly on those that do not follow the law to the exact letter. These are some factors that you might want to take into consideration when planning your trip to Maine.
Our committed legal team is determined to take immediate action to seek a positive case outcome. If you or someone you know is charged with carrying a concealed weapon in Maine, I encourage you to contact The Nielsen Group for your free legal consultation with an experienced Maine Gun Rights attorney. We will take the time to answer your questions and to put your mind at ease as we work with you to determine a legal defense strategy.
It is well worth your time to check out:
- Our recent proven case results
- Case Dismissed as a matter of law for client charged with carrying a concealed weapon
- Client testimonials from our service
If you would like to call us now at (207) 571-8555, we can begin to develop your case strategy.
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